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Life Can somtimes be hard.

Life can somtimes be hard. Living with Cerebral Palsy is hard. Even though you may get more attention or you may get alot of things, it sucks when you have to do certain exersices or you can’t do certain things because you can’t walk, or you can’t move a certain way because of doctors orders. You have to be insane to want to be handicapped! Like I said, being disabled sucks. I want to walk like you do. I don’t want to be disabled and in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Even though I have a chance to walk again through hard work and effort. Some people don’t ever have the chance to ever walk again. Some people, unless through God’s grace , will never walk again. God loves everyone. I am not saying that He isn’t. I am just saying  that some CP (Cerebral Palsy for short.) kids will never walk or talk or move or be able to do anything for themselves until Jesus comes and gives us our new bodies. As I said before, I know that God lves us all and He made us how we are supposed to be, We as disabled people have it hard in our everyday lives. Let me give you some examples of my life that I have to go through in my everyday life. First of all, I have physical thearpy threee times a week and Occupational Thearpy twice a week. I have pain in my legs almost every day from the hard work in physical thearpy. However,  I keep moving on in my day because I have too. Now I’m not trying to have self pity. I am just saying that if somthing tragic happens to you don’t hope to be handicapped. Be grateful that you can walk and move around as well as you can move. Because once you get to where you can’t stand up and walk whenever you want to, you will fell like crap. Now I know that if I put hard work and effort in my game I will get better, However, if I give up and say in my heart that I give up and that sitting down is a lot easier. Then I am only a loser and a coward. Because giving up is what quitters do and trying my best is what a winner does. And do you want to be a winner if you do try your best and love God.


My first post!

Youtube comments.

Now, as this is my first post, I won’t say anything  much. However, I would like to say a little about the youtube comments. Now, have you ever noticed that some of the youtube comments are kinda foul? I know I have! So I would like to say to youtube that they should really monitor what comments they allow to go on youtube and what videos they allow to go on to youtube. Because there are kids that go on there and watch dirty movies and read Bad comments. I don’t mean to sound like a parent, but if you want your kids to not see sex and read sexual comments, then you should contact youtube and tell youtube that they really need to monitor what goes on their site. Even if it violates the free speech admendment, little children  should not see those comments. They will take those comments that they reand and repeat them to an adult  and the adult will say, “Where did you get that language from, sweetie?” and  he or she will say, “I got it from youtube, mommy!” Well I guess even if we put our best efforts in it, the internet won’t be the safest place around. However, we can make it safer if we work together.

Maudeb Maybin


Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

April 2024
